Why did I rebrand?

Why the rebrand? What does it mean? Stop changing stuff on us Danielle!


Well, it was time. The DS Design Co was a union between my maiden name and married last name. As well as my first and last name. I’ve been using my full name as my business for the last 10 years. After thinking long and hard, doing my own brand strategy on myself I landed on Timberline Design. Timberline also kept coming up on roads, with my 14er project, popping into my head in the middle of the night, and had me thinking so much goes on beyond the timberline. You’re probably thinking your breath gets shorter, it’s colder, you’re starting to get altitude sickness, etc. I’m thinking there are so many thoughts and creativity going on in my head when I’m above the timberline, seeing everything below me and around me with the feeling of being on top of the world. How could I bring that into my business? into design?

Timberline Design speaks of the art I have been illustrating with my 14er project. It has been shaping me into something else and getting me to think beyond the pines which is where Timberline grew from. It makes me want to grow more in a way I didn’t think I would grow. Timberline is where no trees grow but there’s so much potential and growth deep down us.

I’m a one-woman show that goes above and beyond for her clients. I bring unique branding and design solutions to the table that people haven’t thought of. I want you to stand out from the saturated market of similar branding and businesses. My goal is that I will go above and beyond for myself and you to succeed.

I hope that when you see Timberline Design, you see that it’s rugged but classic, dependable, and reliable with it’s unique energy. I saw this something and immediately thought of my business “Stubborn good quality and service”. When I questioned friends, family, and clients told me they always feel welcome with the clean, fresh, earthy, and badass designs that I create. Every client I’ve had this last year has said that my business feels approachable, well designed, authentic, trust-worthy, and that I know my sh*t (words from clients).

I continue to value quality, integrity, authenticity, inclusivity, creativity, and simplicity here just under a new name.

What does Timberline mean to you?


Is it time to invest in branding?


Review of 2021