We offer a wide variety of design services for our clients under one roof.

& Web



Website Design
Quarterly Website Maintenance
Website Audits


Whether you’re just starting out or have been in business for a few years and need a refresh, having a full brand identity is needed to not only help you be successful but to feel and look confident.

The Details

Timeline: 6 Weeks
Investment: $3,000

  • Brand Strategy workshop

  • Primary Logo

  • Secondary Logo

  • Brand Marks

  • Typography

  • Color Palette

  • Design Elements (patterns, icons, gifs)

  • Business card

  • Brand Guidelines

  • Single page brand reference guide

Brand & Web Design

This package is a complete overhaul of your visual identity with strategy brand strategy, visual identity, and web design. This will elevate your brand to the next level. Not only help you elevate your brand but provide you with your own personal sales person, a website.

The Details

Timeline: 8 - 10 Weeks
Investment: $6,000

All the Brand Identity package items PLUS

  • Custom coding and development

  • Adobe XD Mock-up

  • Squarespace Build

  • Basic SEO set up

  • Training and walkthrough of how to use the website

  • Launch Day graphics

  • 1 week of support after site launch
    PERSONALIZED loom VIDEO to reference in the future

Web Design

Have branding already? Need a website refresh? Whether it was a brand created by me or another designer, I can build you a beautiful Squarespace site.

The Details

Timeline: 4 - 6 Weeks
Investment: $3,000

All I need is your branding (logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and copy). My only requirement is that you already have branding done by either me or another design to design your website.

If you need brand imagery, I’m more than happy to find stock images that work with your brand.

Note: I’m not a copywriter and do not offer those services. I’m happy to find you a copywriter that fits your brand.


Ready to elevate your brand and get started. Please fill out the contact form with any and all details of your project!